DEV Community

Nav bar and div spacing

natalie stroud on March 18, 2019

Hello friends! I'm in the middle of rebuilding my portfolio. At least to practice with the coding skills thus far and to have something more genui...
berniwittmann profile image
Bernhard Wittmann • Edited

You added float: right; to your navbar to align it to the right, this causes this float effect. This pulls the nav to the right side of the content. Read more about float on MDN

In your case you could do (instead of the float: right;)

.nav {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: flex-end;

If you have more questions, just let me know 🙂

nataliecodes profile image
natalie stroud

You're an angel! That fixed it on my blog page and all across the other pages I had. Thank you so much!!!!