DEV Community

Discussion on: Multipart Upload for Large Files using Pre-Signed URLs - AWS

natdb profile image
Natalia De Barbieri

While multipart has a limit of 5TB, a single operation using AWS SDK, API, or CLI is only 5GB. Anyway, is good to keep in mind what is your case use and think about what happens if the user lost connection when he/she was uploaded 95% of a 5GB file.

rahulahire profile image
Rahul Ahire

I found the answer myself and found that multipart upload has its own advantages that we can continue uploads incase our internet connection went down temporarily and is redundant.
I also made a ultimate guide on S3 demonstrating all of these things

casal0x profile image
Sebastian Eduardo Casal

what could be that is freezing browser when i try to upload 500mb to s3 signed url, with content type "application/octet or their own time like image/png"