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Discussion on: It's Prisma Time - Pagination

neeshsamsi profile image
Neesh Samsi

I was wondering how I can set up cursor-based pagination reliably for any page. I kind of understand the implementation of it in your example but I can't wrap my head around making a dynamic function to grab the page I want.

puppo profile image
Luca Del Puppo

The cursor pagination is perfect in a context where there is an infinite scroll, it’s not used to retrieve a specific page. This is the offset pagination goal.
At this moment I don't have any idea if there are specific cases where we can mix both solutions. Maybe they exist but I think we use one or the other in the common use cases.

puppo profile image
Luca Del Puppo

Otherwise, if you are using the offset pagination and you want to grab page X you need to calculate the skip in this way β€œ(pageNumber - 1) * take”. Thus you have got the skip value to retrieve the data of your page.

neeshsamsi profile image
Neesh Samsi

I am trying to have a traditional pagination with page numbers on the bottom. I thought offset would be the way to go but if it's not scalable I don't know what to use. What would be the way to go about it?

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puppo profile image
Luca Del Puppo • Edited

If you are using the offset pagination, you have two ways:

  1. The client know the size and the take value and your API retrieves the data using the size and the take value passed by the client
  2. The client sends only the page, in this case, the take value is known only by the server and you need to calculate the skip value in this way β€œ(pageNumber - 1) * take”. At this moment you have the skip and the take value and you can perform your query. I think this can help you, if not, ask me more without any problem πŸ˜ƒ
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neeshsamsi profile image
Neesh Samsi

The second was what I was thinking of but apparently offset method is not that good for larger databases. I doubt I would hit those issues but incase I do will it just be slow or will it error out

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puppo profile image
Luca Del Puppo

Probably if you are using the offset method and you have more filters your where clause can generate problems. In these cases, you need to check the indexes of the tables used in your queries. In the common cases the skip and take handling in the database doesn't generate any problems of the slowness, but the where clause yes.

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neeshsamsi profile image
Neesh Samsi

Thanks, that helps a ton, I have no where and just 1 orderBy so Offset is going to be the way I go!