Exploring the link_to_if
and link_to_unless
Helpers in Rails
The link_to_if
and link_to_unless
helpers in Ruby on Rails are valuable tools for conditionally generating links in your application. They help avoid unnecessary if/else
structures, making the code cleaner and more readable.
The link_to_if
helper creates a link only if the provided condition is true; otherwise, it renders the specified alternative content.
<%= link_to_if user_signed_in?, "Profile", profile_path, class: "btn btn-primary" %>
If the user is logged in, the link to the profile will be generated. Otherwise, only the text "Profile" will be displayed without being a link.
We can customize the content when the condition is false:
<%= link_to_if user_signed_in?, "Profile", profile_path do %>
<span class="text-muted">Log in to view the profile</span>
<% end %>
The link_to_unless
helper does the opposite of link_to_if
: it creates a link only if the condition is false. If the condition is true, it displays the content normally.
<%= link_to_unless admin?, "Request Access", request_access_path %>
If the user is not an administrator, a link to "Request Access" will be generated. If the user is an administrator, the text will be displayed normally, without being a link.
Similarly to link_to_if
, we can customize the alternative content:
<%= link_to_unless admin?, "Request Access", request_access_path do %>
<span class="text-muted">You already have administrator access</span>
<% end %>
These helpers are very useful for simplifying the logic of displaying links in Rails applications, avoiding the need for if/else
blocks in the template. This makes the code more elegant and easier to maintain.
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Top comments (1)
Funny: same subject close to each other. :) dev.to/railsdesigner/rails-linktoi...