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Discussion on: Building a chat app with and React 🚀

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

What should I write about next?

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

You could fork the same project and just change the implementation details to "vanilla" websockets to see the differences with! 😁

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

It's good to understand vanilla websockets, but I don't think it's so practical 🤣
You would now use it in production most chances 🙈

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Hahaha it depends on the case, here I found a good TL; DR on that 😁

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nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Don't forget that in they also implemented long polling for old browsers :)

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

The way actually works is by assuming those are AJAX requests and once some communications had been exchanged it switches the protocol, thus it's not a protocol downgrade but an upgrade (you can check that in the network tab of chrome dev tools), also check the link in the last comment for more details. Is it convenient?

Well, web sockets has a good browser support so It depends on the use case of this "workaround" being more or less harmful.

Also note that has 4 different versions and both client and server need to implement the same version as far as I can remember, hence as soon as v5 appears you'll need to provide both v4 and v5 versions to avoid current clients software breaking and to provide latest stable version for new customers or customers that want to migrate (thinking on the use-case of providing just a backend as service).

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sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

Wooow dude that’s so very Amazing 98% ? That says a lots mate

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Basically any browser version released in 2012 or newer (more or less) except from Opera Mini which I don't even know why they keep adding it to the metrics 😅

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nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

It's true and not true, it's like saying that compare to the population of the world, you child will be chinese, it's most likely not true :)
So while it's true that if you target the whole world with your app that might be the case.
But try to do the same for old enterprise companies, and I promise you, you will find some Windows XP :D

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Well, that it's compatible with any browser version released in 2012 or newer is absolutely true. Some people around the world using older versions is a completely different topic 😁

I'd rather prefer the connection to be tested with the "newest" protocol and downgrade it if there's any incompatibility instead doing the opposite. It will add a delay to people with very very old devices and software and speed up the rest.

My logic is that people with very very old devices and software are already used to the slowness 😳I know it by experience, had a Pentium II with a 56Kb modem for more than 10 years, on those waiting times 100-200ms won't harm much, it's a little % overall 😅

radualexandrub profile image
Radu-Alexandru B

how to build a 3 paged app using and Next.js

kumard3 profile image
Kumar Deepanshu

Trpc with next js

pusoy profile image

Integrate *MongoDB * :D

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Haha, that's a good idea!

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pusoy profile image

Thank you! can't wait for the next one.