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Discussion on: "Hello, World!" but in 30 different languages!!!

nexwebsites profile image
NexWebSites • Edited

Yes, thought it would be better to start with the basics.

global _start
section .text
mov rdi,1

mov rsi,hello_world

mov rdx,hello_world_size

mov rax,1

mov rdi,0

mov rax,60


hello_world: db "Hello, world!",10
hello_world_size EQU $ - hello_world

Thread Thread
nexwebsites profile image
NexWebSites • Edited

How about one for Windows 64?

Window 64 bit Assembly
extrn ExitProcess: PROC
extrn MessageBoxA: PROC

caption db 'Windows 64-bit hello!', 0
message db 'Hello, world!', 0


Start PROC
sub rsp,28h

mov rcx, 0

lea rdx, message
lea r8, caption
mov r9d, 0

call MessageBoxA
mov ecx, eax

call ExitProcess
Start ENDP