DEV Community

Discussion on: What would you like to see in a developer-centric Linux distro?

nguyenhai97ict profile image
Nguyễn Đăng Hải

I don't get the part where you say it ubuntu base but have pacman ?? Also this is why Archlinux awesome in the way that it only contain minimal system and it up to you to install package that you need, I like thing to be stabe but they all (debian, ubuntu, ...) just getting to much in my way

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

Arch is a nonstarter as a base. It can't compete with Ubuntu on out of box hardware support. Arch's repos for higher-level userland packages, however, might be useful.

Nitrux, as I understand it, allows pacman with Arch repos in a way that doesn't interfere with its Ubuntu/APT base. Even so, some packages are better integrated with Ubuntu and Plasma when installed from APT (Firefox, and Thunderbird for example, both of which are already kept up to date with the latest versions).

I agree that Debian is suboptimal, both because its packages are too stale and because - in my 17 years of experience with it and 12 years of experience with Ubuntu - Debian is less stable (contrary to popular belief). I disagree wholeheartedly about Ubuntu "getting too much in my way." Its own repos are far more expansive than Arch's, and (at least well-maintained) PPAs and 3rd party APT repos are far more stable than AUR.

Like with Snap, Flatpak, AppImage, and Homebrew (which is seriously underrated on Linux, even if it does lack Cask support), adding Arch repos (and BlackArch, and maybe a few others) will just be a way to add even more (or more current) software install options to my distro (note that I have zero desire to add AUR support - it's terrible).