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Getting Started with 11ty

Using the tutorial provided on setting up 11ty was a breeze. The steps included in this tutorial allowed me to get it up and running on my terminal with only a few commands.
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With this set up, you can edit the file installed and have whatever is written in that appear on your webpage. This was very intuitive and simple to get working.

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11ty Template

Using an 11ty template will allow you to make edits of the code using VSCode which will make changing the webpage more easily. Using the template provided I noticed the code uses post files to make the articles. These are all .md files which is the same as it is in the command line 11ty example. Provided is a screenshot of what it looks like in VSCode and when ran it will also provide a localhost page that will show the articles. This makes changing the content of the pages much simpler.

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With all this said I was unable to get my hax11ty page working. I followed a template provided and linked below. Hax11ty is supposed to make working with 11ty easier and provide simpler static changes. This unfortunately did not work for me.

Repos Used

11ty -
hax11ty -

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