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Nico Bistolfi
Nico Bistolfi

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Go vs Python for File Processing: A Performance and Architecture Perspective

"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." This is known as the Law of the Instrument or Maslow's hammer, and it's a cognitive bias that pushes us to often rely on the tools we are most familiar with, even when they may not be the best fit for the task at hand.

When it comes to file processing, using Python a no-brainer, due to its simplicity, large ecosystem and libraries. However, Go is an equally powerful tool—one that can often outperform Python, especially in scenarios requiring high performance and concurrency.

I'll explore the strengths and weaknesses of Go and Python when handling file processing tasks. By benchmarking these two languages in real-world scenarios, I'll highlight their differences and help you choose the right tool for the job. I'll also look at how both languages can interact in cloud-native environments like serverless architectures (AWS Lambda) and containerized applications (Docker/Kubernetes).

Benchmarking Go vs. Python

To understand which language might be better suited for file processing tasks I created two simple scripts, one in Python and another in Go to run these benchmarks. I focused on transforming CSV files into JSON payloads while using concurrency in Go and multithreading in Python. Here's what I found:


  • Processing Time: Go was significantly faster, especially when handling large files. This is due to its efficient use of system resources through its built-in concurrency model.
  • Concurrency: Go's goroutines and channels make it easy to process multiple rows in parallel, drastically reducing processing time for large datasets.
  • Memory Consumption: Go had better memory management, leading to stable performance under high-load scenarios.


  • Processing Time: Python is slower compared to Go in processing large files, even with multithreading enabled.
  • Multithreading: Due to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), Python's multithreading can be less efficient, limiting parallelism, especially in CPU-bound tasks like file processing.
  • Ecosystem: Python offers a wealth of libraries like pandas and csv, making it highly versatile for different data formats. However, this often comes at the cost of speed (I found better performance using csv instead of pandas).

Go for High-Performance, Concurrent File Processing

Go's native concurrency model using goroutines and channels makes it an ideal choice for architectures that require high-performance, scalable file processing. With Go, you can efficiently process large datasets, such as logs, transactions, or IoT data, by leveraging multi-core CPUs without the overhead seen in other languages.

Best use cases for Go:

  • Batch processing of large files (e.g., CSVs, JSON logs).
  • Data pipelines in microservice architectures.
  • High-throughput systems that require predictable latency.

Serverless Architecture with Go on AWS Lambda

Go works well in serverless environments like AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda now supports Go natively, allowing you to deploy functions for file processing with minimal cold start time. Here's an example of a serverless setup for Go:

package main

import (

func handleRequest(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
    // File processing logic here
    return "File processed successfully", nil

func main() {
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Why Go in Serverless?

  • Faster cold starts compared to Python.
  • Better memory management for long-running file processes.
  • Excellent for event-driven architecture, such as processing S3-triggered file uploads.

Kubernetes with Go

Go also excels in a Kubernetes environment due to its lightweight binary size, speed, and low memory footprint. A Go-based microservice in Kubernetes can efficiently scale horizontally by spinning up more replicas to handle increased load. Here, Go's performance shines in terms of startup time and CPU efficiency.

Why Go in Kubernetes?

  • High throughput with low CPU and memory consumption.
  • Goroutines allow for massive parallelism, making it well-suited for distributed systems like Kubernetes.
  • Can handle multiple concurrent file processing requests with minimal latency.

Python for Flexibility and Rich Ecosystem

Python's strength lies in its ease of use and powerful ecosystem of libraries. Although slower than Go, Python remains a great choice for IO-bound tasks where the bottleneck is waiting for external resources rather than CPU processing.

Best use cases for Python:

  • Data analytics where you need to leverage libraries like pandas for CSV transformation and NumPy for numerical data manipulation.
  • Prototyping complex data pipelines quickly.
  • Machine learning pipelines, where Python can be integrated with data processing libraries.

Serverless Architecture with Python on AWS Lambda

Python is also supported natively by AWS Lambda, and it's one of the most popular choices due to its simplicity and rapid development time. For lightweight or IO-bound file processing, Python can still be an efficient choice.

import csv
import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
  # Process CSV to JSON here
  return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('File processed successfully')
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Why Python in Serverless?

  • Easy to deploy and develop.
  • Rich support for third-party libraries, including data analytics tools.
  • Great for prototyping or environments where flexibility is key.

Kubernetes with Python

Python's flexibility makes it useful in a Kubernetes environment, but the slower processing time and memory consumption are key considerations. Python services may not be as performant as Go in a highly concurrent or large-scale system. However, if you rely heavily on Python libraries, Kubernetes allows easy scaling of Python microservices.

Why Python in Kubernetes?

  • Simple to integrate with existing data processing libraries.
  • Good for batch jobs or IO-heavy workloads.
  • Can still scale horizontally, but may require more resources compared to Go.

Key Differences in Performance and Suitability

Aspect Go Python
Concurrency Model Goroutines (lightweight threads) Multithreading (limited by GIL)
Memory Consumption Low, efficient Moderate to high
Ease of Use Moderate learning curve Easy and widely known
Library Ecosystem Limited but performant Extensive and rich for data work
Execution Speed Fast Slower
Cold Start Time (Lambda) Low Moderate to high

Which Architecture Benefits the Most?

  1. High-Throughput, Performance-Critical Systems: Go is the best option, especially for applications needing fast, concurrent file processing, like financial services or IoT pipelines.

  2. Flexibility in Data Transformation: Python is well-suited for architectures that require flexibility and heavy use of third-party libraries for data transformation and analytics, making it ideal for data science workloads.

  3. Serverless Architectures: Both Go and Python are excellent for serverless environments on AWS Lambda, but Go shines when performance is critical and Lambda cold starts or resource constraints are a concern.

  4. Kubernetes Microservices: Go offers better scalability, performance, and resource efficiency in Kubernetes. Python can still perform well but may require more resources to handle the same load, particularly in CPU-bound tasks.

Final Thoughts

Both Go and Python have their strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on your architecture, the nature of the file processing task, and performance needs. Go's speed and concurrency make it ideal for high-performance, CPU-bound tasks, while Python's simplicity and rich ecosystem are better suited for data-heavy, IO-bound tasks or rapid development.

Whether you choose Go or Python, understanding how each language performs under different conditions will ensure that you maximize efficiency and scalability in your file processing architecture, whether in a serverless environment or a containerized microservices setup.


You can find the code for my experiment and why I landed on this conclusion here:

Top comments (1)

stephgrino profile image
Stephane Pellegrino

Could be interesting to test with the new 3.13 without GIL...