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Discussion on: I'm about to start learning Ruby, Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

nspinazz89 profile image
Nick Spinazze • Edited

Michael Hartl has a fantastic book/tutorial Ruby on Rails Tutorial. That's a great starting point. Then my advice would be to just get your hands dirty and start writing code by contributing to open-source rails projects or start a project from scratch.

For a great primer in Ruby and OO Design Sandy Metz's Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby is amazing.

A more advanced book I'm a big fan of is Rebuilding Rails by Noah Gibs. It really gives you a great understanding of how Rails magic works, which can be initially frustrating as a developer new to its "convention over configuration" mantra.

benyou1324 profile image
Mansour Benyoucef ☕

Thank you for the list of resources,

I've heard lots of recommendations, to read this book Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby by Sandi Metz, I'll read it first for sure.

thank you again : )