DEV Community

Discussion on: How to build a Web App in 11 minutes and fall in love with SvelteKit

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Nate Stuyvesant

While my SPA has several pages in /src/routes, only /src/routes/index.svelte appears to trigger getSession() in hooks (guessing it's because client side routing has taken over). If it's a user's first visit to the site (no session id in a cookie to lookup in handle() so request.locals.user doesn't get populated), getSession() doesn't seem to have much value.

What I've been doing in my /login endpoint ( is putting the user in the body of the endpoint response then doing a session.set({ user: fromEndpoint.user }) on the client in the login() method that called the endpoint.

As all the examples of authentication using SvelteKit made use of getSession(), I thought I was doing something wrong.