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Discussion on: oauth2_client: implement OAuth2 clients with Flutter

nuvolari2020 profile image
Nuvolari2020 • Edited

Salve Enrico,
Given I am new in programming, I am having this issue that I am not able to solve.
I implemented the helper to post call for Legrand API:
The server returns the access token valid for 60 mins and refresh token valid for 90days. The received refresh_token changes at each request. In order to be valid lifetime, you have to use the new generated refresh_token code to refresh your access_token.
I can use the getToken() and I can also post a call but every time I call it I need to log in within Legrand, so I am not able to refresh the accesstoken. Moreover, (see example below) I tried to check if the token was stored after the request but I always get tokenResponse as null, so seems the getToken() every times call the fetchToken().
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for the help!

Code example:
var hlp = OAuth2Helper(client, clientId: clientId, clientSecret: clientSecret, scopes: scopes);, headers: headersTest, body: bodyTest);

// check if access token is working
var tokenResp = await hlp.getToken();
accessToken = tokenResp.accessToken;
print('access token = $accessToken');

//check if token is stored
var tokenResponse = await hlp.getTokenFromStorage();
print('token response from storage $tokenResponse ');

okrad profile image
Enrico Triolo

Ciao Nuvolari2020!
So every time you post a request you are required to log in again?
This can happen when the requested scopes are incorrect or misspelled... Can you take a look at this issue, maybe it could help you too...

nuvolari2020 profile image

Ciao Enrico, thanks! I did not pass the right scopes, I solved it. Thanks a lot for the help and for the useful package. Thanks!!!

Thread Thread
okrad profile image
Enrico Triolo

Great, glad it helped!