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Discussion on: Closures in Javascript

nym02 profile image
Nayeem M. Muzahid

Can anybody explain this to me? cookiesBaker("Sarah")("peanut butter")

saberhosneydev profile image
Saber Hosney

Given this is the definition of cookiesBaker function

let cookiesBaker = function(cook){
    return function(secretIngredient){
        return function(chocolate){
            return `${cook} cooked a ${secretIngredient} ${chocolate} chocolate cookie.`
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As you can see here, there's 3 functions, one with two nested functions. each one of em takes a parameter. so we need to call the function with three different nested parameters in order to meet its requirement.
like so cookiesBaker("Sarah")("peanut butter")("white") which will return a value of "Sarah cooked a peanut butter white chocolate cookie."
How it worked?
cookiesBaker("Sarah") calling this alone will evaluate and set parameter "cook" equal to "Sarah" then returns a function. in which that function will be called as following cookiesBaker("Sarah")returnedFunction("peanut butter") which will evaluate parameter "secretgradient" to "peanut butter" then returns a function that will be called as cookiesBaker("Sarah")returnedFunction("peanut butter")returnedFunctionTwo("white") which will evaluate parameter "chocolate" to "white" then returns a string value equal to "Sarah cooked a peanut butter white chocolate cookie."