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Discussion on: What nobody tells you when you decide to learn how to code

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Divyesh Parmar • Edited

Really thanks for sharing this! I needed this so badly right now. I have completed my Graduation (B.Tech. here in India) in CS since last July 2017, and I had to lose 4 job offers because my university had made mistakes in calculation of grades. So since then I'm home and I was depressed for the most part of it.

  • The best thing is I started learning with Node.js and express.js since I wanted to create websites first as projects so that I can show someone that I code and moreover feel good for myself while showing them to recruiters.

  • I am so afraid of the competitive programming and solving questions on online judges like Hackerrank, CodeChef, Codeforces, etc. And Indian colleges there is a facade going on with everyone to only do that, which led me very disappointed.

but then I found reddit and thought of new ways to keep improving my ways. Now also created simple blog sites with both Python Django and Node.js Express.js but I'm still practicing those Data Structures and algorithms from sources like

the point of my journey is one has to spend time with being uncomfortable with programming and all things will fall in its place. It just feels like life sometimes. :D

I feel such huge pressure as I'm alone at home, my only friends are you guys online always hitting your keyboards to help or ask. I know it has been 9 months since I am at home, but I got to think on myself and I feel positive and always think about how I will be able to do those drama, story writing, Gym, Volleyball, Musical Instrument learning extra things just after work.

I need to hammer this in my mind, Major key for me is Learn how to be Patient