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Wojciech Dasiukiewicz
Wojciech Dasiukiewicz

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JavaScript Quiz

Hello there!

I' working on JavaScript Quiz. I have already working software where you can type your source code and check if your solution is correct. Next two weeks I need to create some questions to give you as many challenges as I can.

Maybe do you have some questions/tasks which you get during recruitments? I will be really grateful if you share with me some interesting tasks in comments.

For example one of my tasks is ...

Write FizBuzz(N) function which gets one parameter N > 0. The function should build a string with numbers from 1 to N.

If the number is divisible by 3 instead of the number you should put "Fizz".

If the number is divisible by 5 instead of the number you should put "Buzz".

If the number is divisible by 3 and 5 instead of the number you should put "FizzBuzz".

Ok, it's not so simple :) Because you can't use % (modulo operator).

Question to you!

Do you need some inspiration? Maybe you just want to talk about programming with other people? And finally, maybe you want to help other people learn more about programming?

If it's true

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