DEV Community

Discussion on: What password manager should developers use ?

olexsmir profile image
Smirnov Aleksander

KeePassXC for PC and KeePassDX for android. Sync with dropbox, Google drive, etc.

bkis profile image
bkis • Edited

After using 1Password for a year, which works okay but costs money and doesn't have a proper Linux desktop app (you have to use a browser plugin instead, which feels weird), I am now using the exact same combination (KeePassXC on Linux, KeePassDX on Android). Both are really good software and I am pretty sure I won't switch to anything else. Synchronization across devices is a drawback, though. It's not built in (you store a password DB file locally). But as you said - there are different solutions for that. I am currently using SyncThing. Feels like a bit of an overhead just for syncing passwords, but works. And the local DB file has a strong encryption with a good master password, so I feel safe storing it wherever I want, even in unencrypted backups.

EDIT: LPT: I set a Shortcut on my desktop for Ctrl + . to open KeePassXC (the same 1Password uses for it's browser plugin, I got used to it) - it gives a very smooth workflow. KeePassXC is a great recommendation IMO.