DEV Community

Discussion on: Tips for making an esolang

olus2000 profile image
Alex Esoposting

Short and sweet and right to the point.
I would argue with the second point. You already listed the reasons to create esolangs so I will go over them and explain what I mean.


If I'm making the language for my own fun then why wouldn't I use my own syntax? That's like half of the fun from making an esolang - coming up with solutions that cannot be found elsewhere. Even if I make an abomination of a language and it's absolutely unusable it's still my language and I had fun making it.

Proof of concept

If I'm making a language as a proof of concept then I usually already know what syntax it will have.


Making a language with made-up syntax can be a very teaching experience. Finding out where this syntax fails and being forced to look for solutions can teach you much better than just copying an existing syntax.

javacode7 profile image

All good points. I will think about changing it!