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#005 DS&A - Linked List


Nothing to say more than hello 👋,
In Case your wondering who is this man in the banner it's the Khwarizmi the inventor of algorithms concept.
Make sure to follow because I will start more advanced series in future.

Linked List

Single Linked List

struct node
    char data;
    struct node *next;
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self reference structures we talk about them before.


first element is called head.

arrays are dynamic access , while linked lists are sequential accessible , it mean you need to visit all the previous element in order to reach the element you need , it mean O(n) while arrays are O(1)

searching in both will take O(n) .

struct node *p;
p = head->next->next; // 30
p->next->next->next=p; // 50 will link to 30 , so 60 is lost
head->next=p->next; // 10 will link to 40
printf("%c" , head->next->next->next->next->data); // d
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This linked list is same for all the followings. We are assuming that our linked list have more than 1 node , if it is 1 node we should put conditions to make sure that if our linked list can perform certain things.


Traversing a single linked list

struct node *t;
t = head;
while(t != NULL) { // or while(t) have same meaning
    printf("%d\n" , t->data);
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we are using t because if we lost the head , it's mean we lost the entire node.

Inserting an element in single linked list

struct node* new = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node))
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this is will create a pointer called new

a) insert at beginning :

head = new;
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b) insert at the end

while(t->next != NULL) {
t->next = new;
new->next = NULL;
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c) insert a node at specific element

struct node
    int i;
    struct node *next;
// asume we need to insert after node 2
while(t->i != 2) 
    t = t->next;
new->next = t->next;
t->next = new;
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Deleting a node from single linked list

malloc will create a space for us while free will free the memory that we got it from malloc

// assume we are resetting the linked list to it's init state
// deleting a node from the head
head = head->next;
// deleting a node from the tail
while(t->next->next != NULL) {
    t = t->next;
// delete a specific node
while(t->next->i != 3){
    t = t->next;
struct node *t1 = t->next;
t->next = t1->next; // or t->next->next
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example 1

struct node
    int val;
    struct node *next;

void rearrange(struct node *list)
    struct node *p , *q;
    int temp;
    if(!list || !list->next) return; // if linkedlist have no or 1 element return
    p = list; q=list->next; // q pointing to 1st element and q to second
    while(q) // while q is not null do
        temp = p->val;p->val=q->val;
        q->val=temp;p=q->next; // swap q and p
        q=p?p->next:0; // if p is pointing to something it will take it otherwise 0
// output : 2 1 4 3 6 5 7
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printing the elements using recursion

// print then recursion
void f(struct node *p)
        printf("%d" , p->data);//3
// output : 1 2 3 4
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It will print before start go into next stack


when it's go back it will return to line 5


// recursion then print === print in reverse order
void f(struct node *p)
        printf("$d" , p->data);//4

// output : 4 3 2 1
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then when it go back it will start at line 4 which printing the value of p stored inside of each stack


Reversing an single linked list using iteration

struct node
    int i;
    struct node * next;
struct node * reverse(struct node * cur)
    struct node *prev = NULL,*nextNode = NULL;
        nextNode = cur->next;
    return prev;
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Reversing an single linked list using recursion

struct node *head;
void reverse(struct node *prev , struct node *cur)
        reverse(cur , cur->next);
        cur->next = prev;
    } else 
        head = prev;

void main()
    reverse(NULL , head);
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circular Linked List

circular linked list have it's tail pointing to sentinel which is the head but containing the number of nodes instead with pointer to first element.


while(p->next != head){}
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double linked list


// insert at start
struct node {
    int i;
    struct node *prev;
    struct node *next;
t->next = head;
head = t;
t->prev = NULL;
head->next->prev = head;

// insert at the end
while(p->next) p = p->next;

// insert between > 1 and < n where n is number of node
t->prev=p; // p is the pointer of the element previous to t
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