DEV Community

Discussion on: Has Stack Overflow Become An Antipattern?

omicron666 profile image

reputation is a tool trying to address low quality inputs
but most of time it also punishes hard newbies to same levels as grieffers
in the end, creating some kind of closed "circle-jerking" communities

for that aspect, it is not specific to stackoverflow
but that sad because thoses issues are 20 years old... ^

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

One might argue that's a major reason why Reddit is what it is.

That's why I'd like to see ranked-choice upvoting instead of typical upvote/downvote. You can pick one best answer, one second best, etc, and anything that isn't correct or useful, you just don't vote on at all! (And then use flags for objectively bad content.)