DEV Community

Discussion on: What's the most beginner-friendly Linux distro?

organizedfellow profile image
Jaime Aleman • Edited

As a Web Developer I have always preferred Debian based distros. Over 10 years of distro-hopping I have tried: Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Crunchbang, Suse Tumbleweed, Arch, Manjaro, Elementary, Mint, Zorin, Kali and ParrotOS for testing their penetration tools, and plain wonderful Debian where I tried every WM and DE.
I've riced KDE, Gnome, i3WM, and Awesome.
I have always wanted to try Fedora and Centos, but never got around to it. Maybe on my older Thinkpad T400.

BUT NOW, I absolutely require super solid stability. No more hopping around and ricing my environment. I am in love with Pop OS
It's incredibly stable, built by an amazing team of dedicated professionals and the community is so helpful.

My terminal of choice (after using Termite, Terminator, and Tilix for years) now I use Alacritty + tmux. Nvim is installed for quick file edits but I use VS Code 98% of the time.

Feel free to ask me anything ;)

madza profile image

Thank you for sharing, great insight 🙏❤