DEV Community

Discussion on: Clean Up Async Requests in `useEffect` Hooks

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Yurui Zhang

Hi - I'd recommend not to use useMemo in this case - it should be reserved for memoizing results from expensive operations - not functions! useMemo should be avoided unless you absolutely need it for performance reasons (in real life this doesn't happen very often).

Back to the topic - in your case your method is not cancelled when the component unmounts - the right solution would be creating a cancel token (or AbortController if you are using fetch ) and provide the signal to your authentication.get method - and then in catch make sure you check for AbortErrors. This depends on the implementation of your authentication.get method.

Alternatively - you can do something like this:

const abortController = useRef(new AbortController());

useEffect(() => () => abortController.current.abort(), []); // aborts when the hook unmounts.

// then later in your then/catch blocks:
// ...
async () => {
  await authentication.get('app/me').then(r => {
    if (abortController.current.signal.aborted) return; // ignore the rest of the code if signal is aborted
    // update state
  }).catch(e => {
    if (abortController.current.signal.aborted) return; // same ignore the rest of the code if signal is aborted
    // update state
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please note the request is not aborted unless you provide the signal to your fetch call. this code here only prevents react from performing state updates.