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Decoupling Business Logic from Database Access with Dependency Inversion

The Problem with Direct Database Coupling

In many applications, business logic directly depends on database access, creating tight coupling:

// Traditional approach - Business logic depends on database
public class UserService {
    private UserRepository userRepository;  // Direct dependency on database

    public void upgradeUserSubscription(Long userId) {
        User user = userRepository.findById(userId)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new UserNotFoundException(userId));

        if (user.canUpgrade()) {
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This approach has several problems:

  • Business logic is tightly coupled to database implementation
  • Difficult to test without a database
  • Changes to persistence layer affect business logic
  • Hard to switch to different storage solutions

The Solution: Dependency Inversion

Let's apply the Dependency Inversion Principle using ports and adapters (hexagonal architecture):

  1. First, define the business domain model:
public class UserDomain {
    private final Long id;
    private final String email;
    private SubscriptionLevel subscriptionLevel;

    // Constructor and methods...

    public boolean canUpgrade() {
        return subscriptionLevel == SubscriptionLevel.BASIC;

    public void upgradeToPremium() {
        if (!canUpgrade()) {
            throw new BusinessException("User cannot be upgraded");
        this.subscriptionLevel = SubscriptionLevel.PREMIUM;
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  1. Create a port (interface) that business logic will use:
public interface UserPort {
    UserDomain findUser(Long userId);
    void saveUser(UserDomain user);
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  1. Implement business logic that depends on the port:
public class UserService {
    private final UserPort userPort;

    public UserService(UserPort userPort) {
        this.userPort = userPort;

    public void upgradeUserSubscription(Long userId) {
        UserDomain user = userPort.findUser(userId);
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  1. Create a database adapter that implements the port:
public class UserDatabaseAdapter implements UserPort {
    private final UserRepository userRepository;
    private final UserMapper userMapper;

    public UserDatabaseAdapter(UserRepository userRepository, UserMapper userMapper) {
        this.userRepository = userRepository;
        this.userMapper = userMapper;

    public UserDomain findUser(Long userId) {
        User userEntity = userRepository.findById(userId)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new UserNotFoundException(userId));
        return userMapper.toDomain(userEntity);

    public void saveUser(UserDomain userDomain) {
        User userEntity = userMapper.toEntity(userDomain);;
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  1. Create a mapper to convert between domain and entity:
public class UserMapper {
    public UserDomain toDomain(User entity) {
        return new UserDomain(

    public User toEntity(UserDomain domain) {
        User entity = new User();
        return entity;
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  1. Define the JPA entity:
@Table(name = "users")
public class User {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private String email;

    private SubscriptionLevel subscriptionLevel;

    // Getters and setters
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Benefits of This Approach

  1. Pure Business Logic:

    • Business rules are isolated in the domain model
    • No dependencies on infrastructure concerns
    • Easy to test without mocking database calls
  2. Flexibility:

    • Easy to swap database implementations
    • Can add caching or event publishing without touching business logic
    • Can implement different adapters for different storage solutions
  3. Testing:

public class UserServiceTest {
    private UserService userService;
    private UserPort userPort;

    void setUp() {
        userPort = new InMemoryUserPort(); // Test implementation
        userService = new UserService(userPort);

    void shouldUpgradeUserSubscription() {
        // Given
        UserDomain user = new UserDomain(1L, "", SubscriptionLevel.BASIC);
        ((InMemoryUserPort) userPort).addUser(user);

        // When

        // Then
        UserDomain updatedUser = userPort.findUser(1L);
        assertEquals(SubscriptionLevel.PREMIUM, updatedUser.getSubscriptionLevel());
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  1. Alternative Implementations:
public class CachedUserAdapter implements UserPort {
    private final UserPort databaseAdapter;
    private final Cache cache;

    public UserDomain findUser(Long userId) {
        return cache.get(userId, () -> databaseAdapter.findUser(userId));

    public void saveUser(UserDomain user) {
        cache.put(user.getId(), user);
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public class UserConfig {
    public UserPort userPort(UserRepository repository, UserMapper mapper) {
        return new UserDatabaseAdapter(repository, mapper);

    public UserService userService(UserPort userPort) {
        return new UserService(userPort);
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To conclude

By applying dependency inversion:

  • Business logic becomes pure and focused
  • Testing becomes easier
  • The system becomes more flexible
  • Different storage implementations can be swapped easily
  • The code is more maintainable and follows SOLID principles


  • Domain models should be persistence-ignorant
  • Business rules should be in the domain model
  • Adapters handle infrastructure concerns
  • Use interfaces (ports) to define boundaries
  • Keep the domain model focused on business behavior

This architecture makes your code more resilient to change and easier to maintain over time.

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