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Discussion on: Python or Java? Which is better to learn to code?

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

My favorite is Kotlin, as

  • You can extend anything. (But it can be overdone.)
  • You can use any reserved words, but quoting with backticks
  • Not forced to use Class
  • async is easy.
  • generator / yield is easy.

Not sure if you have to learn Java first, though.

JavaScript with modernized syntax can be pseudoly good. (Because it actually stands on older syntaxes.) It is quite elastic to my needs too. That's why I love Node.js.

I have come to dislike Python, because of snake_case and namespace cluttering (e.g. global, reserved words, after for loop).

I believe that Golang should also be learnt, because of different syntaxes / style of coding.

javinpaul profile image

Yes, Kotlin is good and you can't avoid JavaScript anymore. Python has its shares of problems like managing a big code base is not that easy and whatever you mentioned but the power it gets from its module is just too big to ignore.