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Discussion on: 17 Compelling Reasons To Start Ditching TypeScript Now.

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István Pató • Edited


Our team has created a "big SPA application" based on JavaScript + JSDoc, works like a charm! There are more than 800 JavaScript file. We rewrote a previous TypeScript, Vue.js program.

We have been using Svelte since 2021, it is better than React: clean, readable code, fast compiling, learning curve is lower, (yes, React is worse, but more widespread - If you are familiar with React, Svelte will be a joy to use).

We use TypeScript indirectly, there are d.ts files (or JSDoc) in the external packages and the generated code (OpenAPI), which VS Code uses very well. But it's transparent to developers.

I can work with both React and TypeScript. But I see that it is unnecessary, since there is Svelte and JSDoc (and generated d.ts).

Lower maintenance costs, easier modification, much easier training and better code readability are definitely advantages.

Innovation in our profession cannot stop: what will come after React and TypeScript?

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Mahmoud Harmouch

Our team has created a "big SPA application" based on JavaScript + JSDoc, works like a charm! There are more than 800 JavaScript file.

See folks. You can also achieve enterprise-level applications with just vanilla JS. Not sure what is the point of TS anymore.

Thanks for sharing your experience.