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Clean code... Why bother? - Part 2

Paula Santamaría on October 06, 2019

In my latest article I wrote about clean code and why it's worth your time. As I was writing it, I kept coming up with ideas but it was getting too...
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a) How much more messy code I've written in my attempts at writing cleaner code, sometimes I tell myself that I should just do it the old way. Stop experimenting. Safer for the product and easier on my co-workers. But my experience is that in the long run it pays of to experiment. Try new approaches. Even on an existing project with already established patterns and rules.

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Paula Santamaría

I see what you mean. Sometimes when I'm having doubts about how to clean up my code I go to the language or framework official documentation. They usually have a section about good practices and all the code examples follow those practices. Like with C# Coding conventions.
Also, you may be interested in the book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.

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Utkarsh Talwar

Good mini-series, Paula! Clean code is important, and I love how you've concluded it with real issues that hinder people from writing their best possible code. Shared both articles in our Telegram channel. 👉🏼 Link

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Paula Santamaría

That's awesome, thanks Utkarsh!