DEV Community

Discussion on: Ideas about preserving history of "fixes" to problems you've encountered?

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Paul Reiber

This is one of my favorite topics!

Holding on to techniques and ways to leverage tools (at the commandline and otherwise) is crucial for technical experts.

-> Browser extensions.

You can collect browser bookmarks into groups and manage them as text with a browser extension called OneTab. Give it a test - you'll probably like it for helping with managing the "sets of tabs" that result from research.

-> Private data saved online.

There's a tool called "Google Keep" that rocks for managing short or long slabs of text like digital post-it notes. Google doesn't talk about it much, but it's pretty awesome.

-> Public data saved online.

Some mailing lists keep their history. That can work for sharing techniques with a group/team that anyone on the team can later go back and refer to.

Totally public blogging and wiki also work when you're careful with what you copy/paste. For an example of how public blogging can do this for you, check out my blog awkiscool over on quora - it has a bunch of stuff I wrote mainly so I could find it in the future.