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Discussion on: Book Club: Eloquent Javascript - Chapter 1

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The 1st Edition books (other than ES6 & Beyond) are ES5.1 based and are due to JavaScript's backward compatibility still relevant. That said ES2016 through ES2022 have added capabilities (also ES5 to ESNext) some of which will have an impact on the 2nd Edition. While modern JavaScript may have de-emphasized some pre-ES2015 features and practices, fundamental JavaScript behaviour hasn't changed - there is just more of it. Short of being deprecated outright, one also has to be careful of assuming that older features are displaced. For example all too often people seem to ignore promises (ES2015) because of the introduction of async functions (ES2017) when understanding promises makes it much easier to understand potential issues with async/await (Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, await vs return vs return await).

FYI: Before diving into async programming (i.e. before Chapter 11) make sure to watch The Event Loop - perhaps multiple times; after the chapter read Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules and perhaps watch Scheduling Tasks - HTTP 203.

In my opinion the biggest impact of ES2015 wasn't classes but modules. I'm not suggesting to ignore classes but I do believe they are often over-emphasized (How to decide between classes v. closures in JavaScript). An awful lot can be accomplished with just functions, objects and modules - i.e. don't assume that everything has to be a class by default, use them when they provide tangible value.

Some other resources that may be worthy of attention at some point of time:

This isn't a must read list, more like - there is something of value here. But be prepared to live in the MDN Web Docs.

Interestingly with its 1000+ pages PJfWD4e still doesn't get into the ubiquitous parts of the tool chain like npm, node.js, bundlers etc. Given how quickly the ecosystem moves anything beyond online docs and short tutorials just gets stale way too quickly. Unfortunately Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs is getting a bit long in the tooth (and I would only recommend webpack if the relevant framework ecosystem standardized on it).

Practice as much as you can by taking advantage of places like exercism or codewars.

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ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Man! Very nice of you for sharing your experience and laying path for us. Thanks for sharing!