DEV Community

Discussion on: How I remember everything I learn

peke314 profile image
Victor Janin

Nice article and interesting build on Github!
I was sorta starting to build something similar, also for cooking recipes (what I've tried and worked/failed with reiterations) books read (and the infinite lists of the ones still to read) and such.
I've been using Notion, curious to know if you have you tried it?

PS: Definitely going to study a bit your german folder, hard one to learn!

aurelio profile image

I tried Notion and while i like it, it's still forcing me into a UI that wouldn't allow me to use my editor afaik. I also dread vendor lock in, what happens when the next Notion comes around? I feel safe in betting on git to stay around for a long time 😁

And please don't learn German from me, I'm a disaster......

Thanks for the comment, really appreciate it