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Discussion on: Understanding delegates in C# - did I get it right?

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Zohar Peled

Both Method1() and GiveAction() are instance method (as apposed to static methods) and therefor there's no problem at all accessing Method1() from GiveAction(). Now, let's take a look at the code and add some comments to explain what's going on:

class Program
    // An instance field.
    int i = 4; 

    // The only static method in the class, also, the traditional starting point of c# applications.
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Set p as a new instance of the Program class.
        Program p = new Program(); 

        // Action y1 is initialized with the result of p.GiveAction() which is p.Method1().
        Action y1 = p.GiveAction(); 

        // This execute p.Method1(), so does the next row.

    // An instance method returning an Action.
    private  Action GiveAction()
        return new Action(Method1);

    // An instance method.
    public  void Method1()