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Discussion on: Express.js vs Django, which framework should I learn ??

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Periklis Gkolias

Well, as with all things, it depends.

What do you value in a framework?
What is your ultimate purpose?

Apart from the language, the biggest difference between the two frameworks is that Django tells you how to do everything(opinionated), whereas express gives you more flexibility(unopinionated). For example, you need to use Django's ORM for interacting with the database, but you can choose any tool you like in the express case.

If you just want to learn a framework, learn them both and later choose which to master, based on your gut feeling and how much you enjoyed the process.

If you want to find a job, check the job boards and which one is more in demand at the moment, in you area.

If you need the 'easier' path, then express. If you need an all-inclusive experience, then django.

Good luck and enjoy.