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Discussion on: Python setter and getter function

philipstarkey profile image
Phil Starkey

Agreed. Using getattr and setattr is really only pythonic when the attribute name is variable.

The language in this article is also completely wrong. They seem to call attributes 'properties' which are actually a completely different thing in python (but also uses the phrases: getters and setters)

I feel like the author is very confused about all of this.

fronkan profile image
Fredrik Sjöstrand

I also agree with these comments. Furthermore, this will completely break all help a good ide or text editor will give you, like suggestions and auto-completion. I have never seen this style of coding before. You usually define all fields of a class inside the dunder init method of the class.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
me = MyClass("Fredrik")
print( #Fredrik