DEV Community

Discussion on: How to Build Wealth in Your Career over the Years

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Phil Ashby

This sentence is great: "Thinking back to my mentor, what stuck with me about her advice was that our careers are iterative just as much as the code we develop.", I'd never really thought about iteration in a career before!

I've been in my current position for coming up to 5 years as part of a 30+ year career, really enjoying the variety and challenges of it but I'm now thinking of where I can "Do work that impacts the world positively", revisiting my reasons for working and looking at family lifestyle changes too.. it's going back to look at those requirements again isn't it?

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Kyle Galbraith

Thank you for the very kind words Phil!

You hit the nail on the head in my opinion, our careers deserve reflection and reprioritization because quite frankly, our priorities change as we gain experience and wisdom. Things like a salary are always going to be relevant because we all want to be paid fairly. But as we evolve it likely goes from the top priority to maybe somewhere just outside of the top 3? It varies from person to person, but nonetheless, other things have value based on our priorities.