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Two-way data binding in vanilla JS (POC)

Francesco Esposito on February 02, 2019

As Front-end Engineers we mostly use libraries and/or frameworks to develop and maintain complex web apps, but what there is under the hood? Do you...
tormodvm profile image
Tormod Vold Mikkelsen

Very helpful! Thanks a lot. :)
You have a typo in there:

    const state = createState({
      name = 'Francesco'
      title = 'Front-end Engineer'

Should be

    const state = createState({
      name: 'Francesco',
      title: 'Front-end Engineer'
anujjaryal profile image
Anuj jaryal

How extend it to include array of elements, like
I have in DOM:

< input name=product[1][quantity]>
and so on...

phoinixi profile image
Francesco Esposito

I would say that this is mostly a Proof of concept to show a possible implementation of two-way data binding, but for an app I would advice you to use a library (e.g. React)

beardedbry profile image

Thanks for the article. How would you expand on this?
Unless I am understanding it wrong, It looks like the render function updates everything that has a binding. Would you make it so that it only updates the bindings that had changes?

sushilkundu143 profile image
Sushil Kundu • Edited

Yes. You are right. Here is the updated code.

const createState = (state) => {
return new Proxy(state, {
set(target, property, value) {
target[property] = value; // default set behaviour
render(property); // updates the view every time the state changes
return true;

const state = createState({
name: '',
title: ''

const render = (property) => {
document.querySelector([data-model=${property}]).value = state[property];

const listener = (event) => {
const {type, value, dataset} =;
state[dataset.model] = value;

document.querySelector('[data-model="name"]').addEventListener('keyup', listener);

document.querySelector('[data-model="title"]').addEventListener('keyup', listener);

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Helpful article, thanks 😋

ajayadav09 profile image

Great will try this on smaller projects.

mervinsv profile image

Thanks for this info!

Maybe the next one would be a two-way binding for a list.