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To collaborate on GitHub by fork

How we worked on the group project:

  1. Came up with ideas
  2. Talked about the structure and library we could use
  3. Set our goal: Leaning how to collaborate with Git by fork
  4. Learned and Practiced the workflow of GitHub fork
  5. Set a timeline and Used "Trello" to trace the progress
  6. Assigned tasks to each one
  7. Had several meeting to make sure everyone worked well and were on the same page
  8. Wrapped up

Noted down the workflow of GitHub fork:

Step 1. Fork the repo
Step 2. Clone the forked Repository

cd folderName
git clone
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step 3. Create my feature branch

git checkout -b myOwnBranchName
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step 3.1 Work on my part and push to my remote repository

git add . 
git commit -m “......”
git push origin myOwnBranchName(feature)
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Step 4.1 Check if the develop branch has ever changed
(Do it every time I resume my work)

git fetch upstream 
git checkout main
git merge upstream/develop
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Step 4.2. Push to my own remote repository

git push origin main
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Step 5 Merge synchronized main to my local feature branch which I am currently working on

git switch(or checkout) yourOwnBranchName(feature)
git merge main
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if merge conflict happens, go step6.

Step 6. Manage the conflict
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step 6.1. Send a pull request
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step 7. Push to my own remote repository after merge

git push origin myOwnBranchName(feature)
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