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Discussion on: The human toll of log4j maintenance

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

log4j is not broken

Stop blaming log4j

Yes, you read it right. It works as documented. It is not a bug, it is a feature, really.

What you can blame on log4j is feature creep, that made log4j handling tasks that go beyond the duty of a logging library.

A logging library should do one thing: take a string, together with a "severity" and save it somewhere. The string should be an opaque, binary blob and no processing should be done by the library. Stop.

Who actually is to blame for the problem is who used this library

  • You decided to use a library that has a very dangerous feature (remember, not a bug). To make a simile: suppose I make an http server that with some "magic URL" gives you access to a shell on the server (e.g."rm -rf /"). Clearly a convenient, but very dangerous feature. Would you install such a server? I wouldn't.
  • You decided anyway to use log4j (maybe you had some constraint that forced you using it). OK, then at least do some sanitation on the material that you receive from outside!! Come on! It is Good Practices 101. Remember Little bobby tables of xkcd?

Conclusion? Should I assign blame in this matter I would do as follows

  • 10% to log4j library for "extreme feature creep"
  • 90% to log4j users for choosing a library with dangerous features and using it carelessly.
yawaramin profile image
Yawar Amin

Yes very good point. Not really related to the point I am trying to make in my post, which is that people are expecting log4j maintainers to automatically jump into action during nights and weekends to save their hides–for free.

jedwidz profile image
Jonathan Michael Edwards

That's an interesting comment. As I explain in my post Log4j vulnerability: What the FAQ happened?, the feature was there and intentional (so yes, not broken in that sense), but was never properly documented.

And regarding sanitation/sanitization, OWASP is one of the best authorities on best practices, and they specifically did not recommend sanitization for log4j 2. You're cordially invited to provide a citation for Good Practices 101 that advises otherwise.