Here at Pixium Digital we often need to create sets of random usernames or team names.
This is either due to bench-marking with a need to simulate individuals groups or users.
Or for a need to anonymize leader-boards in various applications. This can be due to the fact that some applications have big firms as client that they want to keep anonymous hence we generate a random team or group name that can be displayed publicly without risking information leakage.

For this we have decided to build a small library that we can re-use to help us generate this content easily.
We first started to create a list of various information we would need. This includes adjectives, nouns, gamertags, colors, extended colors.
You find the more detailed list here:
We then wanted to create the possibility to add an ID at the end of the random generated content (discord like) so we could have a result like this:
- myC00lUsername#3948
- thundering-memory#8682
For this we used a little trick of Math.random()
* Generates a random ID (discord style)
* @returns string
export const randomId = () => {
return Math.random().toString().substring(2, 6)
Most of the random lists will be in the following format string[]
however there will be specifications. For example teams will be composed in this format:
For example:
Then we have the Extended Colors which are of the following format:
interface ExtendedColor {
id: string
name: string
hex: string
r: number
g: number
b: number
To use the library you simply need to do the following:
yarn install @pixium-digital/random-namer
Then you can use it like this:
import { RandomNamer, RandomType } from "@pixium-digital/random-namer"
const list = RandomNamer(RandomType.TEAM, { toGenerate: 3, allUnique: true, addId: true })
// ['voiceless-sea#4457', 'delicate-star#6563', 'even-nest#9988']
const list = RandomNamer(RandomType.GAMERTAG, { toGenerate: 2 })
// ['The Best Yoda', 'I_Cant_Play']
Simple random name generator for various utilities
Random Namer
This project aims to simply provide random usernames, team names, gamertags, adjectives, colors to use in testing data.
yarn install @pixium-digital/random-namer
import { RandomNamer, RandomType } from "@pixium-digital/random-namer"
const list = RandomNamer(RandomType.TEAM, { toGenerate: 3, allUnique: true, addId: true })
// ['voiceless-sea#4457', 'delicate-star#6563', 'even-nest#9988']
const list = RandomNamer(RandomType.GAMERTAG, { toGenerate: 2 })
// ['The Best Yoda', 'I_Cant_Play']
Here is the list of random types that can be passed:
export enum RandomType {
Here are the parameters available to pass to the function
toGenerate: number // Number of items to generate
allUnique?: boolean // Should the generated items be unique?
addId?: boolean //
…Pixium Digital - Shaping your project with technology and innovation
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