ng new property-binding-demo
ng g c home
- String Interpolation
In Angular, Interpolation is used to display data from component to view (DOM).
The code in your home.component.ts
public appName : string = 'My first string interpolation';
The home.component.html should look like as follows
<h3>String interpolation</h3>
- Event Binding If there is any action (mouse click or keyboard action) then the event will be raised. We have different ways to bind an event to DOM element.
The home.component.ts has a function which receive an event parameter
public logEvent(event) {
The home.component.html has to call the logEvent() method as follows
<h3>Event Binding</h3>
<button (click)="logEvent($event)">Click ME</button>
- Property binding This used to bind the data from property of a component to DOM elements. It is denoted by [].
public userName : string = 'Bob';
In the home.component.html input element will be initialized with userName value
<h3>Property binding</h3>
<input type="text" [value]="userName">
- Class Binding
It helps to create component with dinamic styling.
Define css classes in in home.component.css
.red {
background-color: red;
.blue {
background-color: blue;
In home.component.ts declare a propery and bind one of the css class name and create a function which chnages its value.
public colorProperty : string = 'red';
public changeColor() {
this.colorProperty === 'red' ? this.colorProperty = 'blue' : this.colorProperty ='red'
In home.component.html bind from component to view as below
<h3>Style binding</h3>
<div [style.color]="colorProperty">
Style binding content
<button (click)='changeColor()'>Change Color</button>
- Two-way Binding
Is a two-way interaction, data flows in both ways (from component to views and views to component).
FormModule do the necessary setup to enable two-way data binding, therefore it is necessary to import.
Create a separate property for twoWayBinding in home.component.ts
public twoWayBinding : string = 'init';
Update HomeComponent view (home.component.html) as mentioned below
<h3>Two-way data binding</h3>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="twoWayBinding"/>
Property is bind to form control ngModeldirective and if you enter any text in the textbox, it will bind to the property.
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If you want to know more about the Data binding, visit this blog edureka.co/blog/angular-data-binding/