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Discussion on: CQRS using Java and Axon - Command module

placidmasvidal profile image
Plàcid Masvidal

Hi Fabio Hiroki, thank you so much for this tutorial.

I'm having troubles, because the AxonConfig class of your project's source code on github isn't working for me, I'm getting Could not autowire, no MongoClient beans found.

So I've tried to create a bean for MongoClient but it doesn't work. I realize that the MongoClient bean that the storageEngine method expects appears to be com.mongodb.client.MongoClient and not the com.mongodb.MongoClient that you are using in your code, so I tried to use that MongoClient with the same AxonConfig class code, and then it compiles but fails to instantiate the bean, here I posted the problem

Do you know what is happening and how can I solve that?

Thank you