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Discussion on: Why you should be a "Night Owl"

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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athomsfere profile image
Austin French

Yes, that was my final point actually. We all have "chronotypes" or our own circadian rhythm. I think it's something like 20% of us are "wired" to be night owls.

So while one might be on a cusp of say a morning person, and a mid-day person and a little discipline can override that person's natural cycle. There are people like me who can spends years trying to adapt to a "morning" routine and it sucks, everyday, for years. A week of a little freedom though and I snap to a night routine without issue.

Messing with my internal rhythms means: waking up early.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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athomsfere profile image
Austin French

It certainly can be harder with all of life happening around you. Lucky for me, I can sleep almost anywhere, anytime.

As for the 20%, it was from memory. I tried to find a current, relevant post for you however:

It's far from exactly what I had in mind though, as the demographics are pretty slim.