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12 Mistakes every “Amateur Blogger” should avoid in 2021 [Tips to become a Pro Blogger]

Top 12 Mistakes that an Amateur Blogger should Avoid

Every Amateur Blogger makes mistakes several times. That is a part of the learning curve and it is pretty okay. But, As we said above, We must learn from our mistakes to avoid repetition.

Even the Pro Bloggers were once the novice and they all learned from the errors they made.

They all give us just one tip – “You have to notice your mistakes and should not repeat that.”
If you want high traffic on your blog and want your pages to appear on the first page of Google, you have to work on basics and follow the right path.

So, as per the heading, Let’s note down and discuss the 12 Amateur Blogger Mistakes that can kill your Blogging Journey –

  1. Not using Custom-domain
  2. Going with Cheap Hostings
  3. Not giving credits to the content owner
  4. Avoiding SEO
  5. Neglecting ABOUT section
  6. Zero Keyword Research
  7. The article has no Layout
  8. Publishing Short Content
  9. Ignoring Affiliate Marketing
  10. Avoiding Building Links
  11. Not Building their Community
  12. Not Investing in their Blog

Okay, now it’s the time to discuss them in detail. We request all new bloggers to just read them in detail and make notes carefully.

Read All these Mistakes in Detail

Top comments (1)

robiabo profile image

Thanks for the advice. Can you please help me with this issue:-