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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #250 - Last Digit of a Large Number

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Paula Gearon

Silly, illegible Clojure code. But it works.

(defn s [x] (cons x (take-while #(not= x %) (rest (iterate #(mod (* x %) 10) x)))))
(defn last-digit [a b] (let [cycle (s (mod a 10))] (nth cycle (mod (dec b) (count cycle)))))

The trick is how to get the input parameters. If they're strings, then that's easy:

  • Take the final character of the first string, and convert to a number.
  • Take the final 2 characters of the second string, and convert to a number. These numbers can be supplied instead of the original arguments.

But if the input is supposed to look like: (2^200) (2^300) then that turns into a parsing problem! We already know how to figure out the final digit for (2^300) (it's 6) and (2^200) (also 6), but how do we manage testing this?