DEV Community

Discussion on: Switching back to my old buddy Sublime Text from VS Code 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Rafael Antonio Mejía Rosales

Having reached this point where we start complaining about how much RAM VSCode needs to run I wonder why wouldn't make sense moving towards an actual IDE like Webstorm? (or PhpStorm depending on your stack).

I always felt like hybrid solutions to any given problem end up missing the whole point, and VSCode is neither a proper IDE and or a simple text editor...

What is the point of using Sublime Text if your project demands a lot of tools and you have a powerful machine that can easily run PHPStorm?

If you really like your web development environment to be snappy and you're not willing to wait for 5 or 10 secs for a task to finish, why would you bother with PHPStorm or VSCode?