DEV Community

Discussion on: How a single JSON file could become your entire code base

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

So... I'm still failing to see why this isn't better?

function (functionInput1) {
const highestAllowedNumber = 3;
if (functionInput1 > highestAllowedNumber) {
console.log('too high!');
console.log('you're fine.')

Unless you are parsing common language to create a program (Function that takes an input number X; If X greater than 3 print ... otherwise print ... ) I don't think JSON is a better way to describe code to be created, They are much harder to read and get invalidatet if you forget a comma somewhere, or has an extra comma at the end of you properties.

Like you Fabio, I'm self-taught, and I make a great effort to constantly improve myself to write GOOD CODE, but this json can become very messy as written code can... so why the extra step? Or have you thought about another data structure to use as a base? YML would be much clear, but a wrong indentation and kaput ..

zelcion profile image
Zelcion The Dev

Raí, you're absolutely right!

I'll start answering your last question: "Or have you thought about another data structure to use as a base?"

Yes, Meta-System uses another data structure, which I would love to show it to you, if you're willing so. Come say Hi at the discord link provided above :)

Now for the "why the extra step?". Well, one thing about data, is that we can more easily interact with it. Writing the JSON directly is hard? Well, we can then just have a drag and drop GUI for writing it for us. In the end, we're [sort of] writing code, but with a giant leap on accessibility.