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Compute values on component mount with React Hooks: State vs Ref

Raicuparta on August 27, 2019

I recently came across this question: I have a functional React component that computes a value when the component is mounted. After mounting, th...
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Daniel Scholtus

One extra improvement, move computevalue() definition outside of the function component to avoid re-defining the function on each cycle.

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Good point, the idea was always that computeValue() was something imported from somewhere else but I didn't make that clear in my minimal examples. I will update it.


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Christian Petersen

Using setValue, as mentioned in the article, will force the component to update, which is undesirable in this case. The solution is to pass a function to the first argument of useState:

const [value] = useState(() => computeValue());

This will be initialized when component is mounted and the value will be available before rendering without forcing the component to update.

raicuparta profile image

I already mentioned that solution in the article. My solution will do an extra render, yes. But that's a good thing here, because the component won't be blocked from rendering while the value is being computed.