DEV Community as a generic blog?

Raphaël Pinson on May 02, 2020

Do any of you use as a generic blog, besides development-related subjects (I'm thinking genealogy for example)?

What would be the pros and cons?

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

After lurking around DEV.tobfor many moons now, I have not read too many articles on family trees.
Although I would not be opposed to it, I am not holding my breath. However, I love this platform. It seems to promote short posts and is very friendly.

theoarmour profile image
Theo Armour


  • if you are writing software dedicated to genealogy, then might be interesting
  • Your choice of tags would be crucial


  • you may not get a lot of hearts let alone readers if you stray far away from coding
  • there are a ton of blogs and forums already devoted to genealogy (and other specific topics) where you can get lots of readers

I did a search on for "genealogy". There were four hits. One of which was your post. you might consider searching on to prior to posting to see if there is any interested what you are writing about

raphink profile image
Raphaël Pinson

From what I could tell, most people who blog about genealogy use individual blogs, on blogspot, WordPress and the likes... offers the advantage of a markdown approach, with a possibility of doing series, etc. I could not find another blogging platform with these features, besides hosting it myself (e.g. on gh-pages)...

theoarmour profile image
Theo Armour

@raphink supports Markdown

When I search for Genealogy, there are many hits does not directly support Markdown, but there ae ways:

I think in all of this it is important to remember that the content and the audience for the content is far more important than the tools used to create the content. So a good principle to follow is to find the audience and then tweak whatever the system is so that it works the way you want it to work.

In doing this you gain two skills. 1. Learning about the domain of knowledge you are involved with because you are surrounded by experts in the field. 2. learning how to tweak your tools to make the best of the situation you find yourself.

raphink profile image
Raphaël Pinson

Thanks. looks interesting, but it creates gists to embed code in medium. This is not what I'm looking for, as if like to write the entire content in markdown to avoid WYSIWYG interfaces altogether...