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Markdown Cheatsheet for developers

Rattanak Chea on November 13, 2018

I prefer to use Markdown for basically everything I can, from writing a personal blog, tech articles and even my resume. There are only a few synta...
thejaredwilcurt profile image
The Jared Wilcurt

This really needs to show how you put a code block in a list without the list numbers starting over on the next item. Every markdown editor does it differently and it's annoying to trial and error without a live preview

  1. Step 1 - npm install
  2. Step 2 - Add this code
console.log('some code');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Step 3 - etc
  2. Step 4 - etc
  3. Step 5...
rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea

I see what you mean. I use an app called Typora for WYSWYG

burdettelamar profile image
Burdette Lamar

I've posted a few markdown tips, and since then have put up Ruby gem markdown_helper, whose code and doc are on GitHub.

rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea

awesome. Thanks for sharing.

sagaofsilence profile image

In my blogs on, I want to add sections or info boxes, I tried to use Github syntax like :
> [!NOTE]


But it does not result in the desired outcome.

Desired outcome:
Markdown used to emphasize critical information

Is it possible to create sections?

vuelancer profile image
lailahgrant profile image
Kemigisa Lailah Grant

Thanks for the post, it is really great but I have a question, how did you add that car?