DEV Community

Discussion on: Programmers as gardeners

raulvillares profile image
Raúl Villares

I agree sometimes it's hard to TDD and is not a bad practice write tests shortly after production code (however I think it's important keep small iterations between production and tests).

I don't know in other countries but here (I'm talking about Spain), Computer Science degree it's officially called "Computer Engineering" !!!).

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Small iterations and testing are both excellent things to do - although the definition of both "small" and "testing" vary from one situation to the next. (i.e. there are some cases where you must manually test, because unit tests do not provide adequate coverage by nature of their design.)

I agree, "computer engineering" and "computer science" (the degree name in the U.S.) are total misnomers. (See my article, The Cake is A Lie.)