DEV Community

Discussion on: (Other) Projects you can do to Become a Front-End Master in 2020

ravavyr profile image

Great article, hits the nail on the head on the whole javascript thing. Too many frontenders focus on the JS frameworks these days. Not that they shouldn't be learning at least one framework well, but understanding HTML and CSS is vital for building cross-browser and cross-device web apps and sites.
Accessibility is gaining important each year and know at least the basics is a plus above most current devs, even the experienced ones often do not yet pay attention to accessibility issues.

Some items I'd add to this list that I think a frontender should know:

  • URLs [things like uppercase is not the same as lowercase to search engine bots, and when to use "%20" or "+" in urls versus passing parameters via request parameters like "?bob=1"
  • Understanding Meta tags and Open Graph structures and when to use JSON objects versus inline html attributes [mostly this helps social sites and search engines to know what to render when your links show up on them]
  • For HTML and CSS learning how to use Media Queries properly for responsiveness [either go all max-widths or all min-widths, don't use both please and min/max-heights should be used sparingly or not at all, but it all depends on what you are building and what it has to look like]
  • Practice UI/UX, it's vital that you know how to do form validations, but that you also do it nicely for the user. Like how you display error messages, where they are placed, is it intuitive for a user to know what went wrong and how to fix it. That kinda stuff is incredibly important for frontenders.

There are more things of course, but that's all that comes to mind right now.
Anywho, my 2 cents.

midblue profile image
Jasper Stephenson • Edited

when to use "%20" or "+" in urls

Will you please write this? I have no clue when to use which!