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Discussion on: Achievement unlocked: One year of blogging. And now?

razvanilin profile image
Razvan Ilin

Wow, this is quite an achievement, congrats! Feeling inspired now πŸ’ͺ I started a series as well, mainly to consolidate my learnings and get better at writing. Did you have any issues with keeping the consistency going? I'm curious if this year of blogging helped you out with becoming consistent easier in other aspects other than blogging.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

Hi, thanks for your comment. No. did not really have consistency problems, I am pretty disciplined ;-) . was just sometimes harder when preparing for vacations or just came back from holidays - but in such cases, I tried to prepare a bunch of articles for the weeks I knew I was not able to write.
Yes, I believe blogging, in general, gives you a lot.
It structures your thoughts, your learning, it improves the way you communicate, could also give you extra skills ( try to make the content look nicer - searching for pics, editing them - etc) and make you more consistent in the way you solve issues or learn something.
Have a good journey through it!