DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you manage FOMO?

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René Stalder • Edited

Mitigation for me happens by knowing what works best for me to create the best possible outputs. If something new comes, I have to ask myself whether this solves something I can't do currently but seems important for what I do.

I feel at a certain point in your coding career you change in this new mode. Before that, you want to try everything out, everything looks fun, new and shiny. And after that point, you feel like you know which solutions solve the problems you solve day to day best.

As an example, I found Webpack always cumbersome to use, just for the reason of how much more complexity it adds to your application if you want to get the bundling right. Then Parcel came, gave it a try, but it added another form of complexity. And at some esbuild came, so I used that, but was very raw to work with, and then Vite came, and it was clear to me, this finally solves my bundling problems the way I need it to do.

As another example, when Astro was released, I went through the whole documentation to see if this solves anything that bothers me, but then eventually came to the conclusion, that I simply don't do static-sites with JavaScript frameworks and therefore, the value proposition doesn't apply for me.

And: For the fact that the entire web talks about React since years, I never used it and can still buy food.